Release Notes

0.9.23 (2024-08-22)

  • Bug fixes.

0.9.22 (2024-08-07)

  • Finalizers are now thread-safe, meaning PythonCall now works in the presence of multi-threaded Julia code. Previously, tricks such as disabling the garbage collector were required. Python code must still be called on the main thread.
  • GC.disable() and GC.enable() are now a no-op and deprecated since they are no longer required for thread-safety. These will be removed in v1.
  • Adds GC.gc().
  • Adds module GIL with lock(), unlock(), @lock and @unlock for handling the Python Global Interpreter Lock. In combination with the above improvements, these allow Julia and Python to co-operate on multiple threads.
  • Adds method _jl_call_nogil to juliacall.AnyValue and juliacall.RawValue to call Julia functions with the GIL unlocked.

0.9.21 (2024-07-20)

  • Serialization.serialize can use dill instead of pickle by setting the env var JULIA_PYTHONCALL_PICKLE=dill.
  • numpy.bool_ can now be converted to Bool and other number types.
  • datetime.timedelta can now be converted to Dates.Nanosecond, Microsecond, Millisecond and Second. This behaviour was already documented.
  • In JuliaCall, the Julia runtime is now properly terminated when Python exits. This means all finalizers should always run.
  • NULL Python objects (such as from pynew()) can be safely displayed in multimedia contexts (VSCode/Pluto/etc.)

0.9.20 (2024-05-01)

  • The IPython extension is now automatically loaded upon import if IPython is detected.
  • JuliaCall now compatible with Julia 1.10.3.
  • Minimum supported Python version is now 3.8.

0.9.19 (2024-03-19)

  • Bug fixes.

0.9.18 (2024-03-18)

  • Bug fixes.

0.9.17 (2024-03-16)

  • Bug fixes.

0.9.16 (2024-03-14)

  • Big internal refactor.
  • New unexported functions: python_executable_path, python_library_path, python_library_handle and python_version.
  • Py is now treated as a scalar when broadcasting.
  • PyArray is now serializable.
  • Removed compatibility with Julia 1.10.1 and 1.10.2 (to be fixed in 1.10.3 and 1.11.0) due to an upstream bug.
  • Bug fixes.

0.9.15 (2023-10-25)

  • JuliaCall now supports -X juliacall-startup-file=no to disable running startup.jl.
  • If you are using CondaPkg then Python can optionally now be installed from the anaconda channel (instead of only conda-forge).
  • Bug fixes.

0.9.14 (2023-07-26)

  • Wrapped Julia values support truthiness (__bool__) better: all values are true, except for zero numbers and empty arrays, dicts and sets.
  • JuliaCall now supports the Julia --handle-signals option. Setting this to yes allows allocating multithreaded Julia code to be called from JuliaCall without segfaulting. The default is no while compatibility concerns are investigated, and may be changed to yes in a future release.

0.9.13 (2023-05-14)

  • Conversion to wrapper types PyList, PySet, PyDict or PyIterable now default to having element type Any instead of Py.
  • The __repr__ method of wrapped Julia objects now uses the 3-arg show method for nicer (richer and truncated) display at the Python REPL.
  • The IPython extension can now be loaded as just %load_ext juliacall.
  • The %%julia IPython magic can now synchronise variables between Python and Julia.
  • Bug fixes.

0.9.12 (2023-02-28)

  • Bug fixes.

0.9.11 (2023-02-15)

  • In PyArray{T}(x), the eltype T no longer needs to exactly match the stored data type. If x has numeric elements, then any number type T is allowed. If x has string elements, then any string type T is allowed.
  • StaticString (the inline string type used by PyArray) supports the AbstractString interface better.

0.9.10 (2022-12-02)

  • Bug fixes.

0.9.9 (2022-10-20)

  • Bug fixes.

0.9.8 (2022-10-18)

  • Adds line_buffering option to PyIO.
  • Improvements to stdout when using juliacall.ipython including line-buffering.

0.9.7 (2022-10-11)

  • If CondaPkg is using the Null backend, PythonCall will now use python from the PATH.
  • Bug fixes.

0.9.6 (2022-09-09)

  • When using JuliaCall from an interactive Python session, Julia is put into interactive mode: isinteractive() is true, InteractiveUtils is loaded, and a nicer display is used.
  • Wrapped Julia values now truncate their output when displayed via _repr_mimebundle_.
  • Numpy arrays with structured dtypes can now be converted to PyArray, provided the fields are aligned.
  • Python named tuples can be converted to Julia named tuples.
  • Bug fixes.

0.9.5 (2022-08-19)

  • Adds PythonCall.GC.disable() and PythonCall.GC.enable().
  • Experimental new function juliacall.interactive() allows the Julia async event loop to run in the background of the Python REPL.
  • Experimental new IPython extension juliacall.ipython providing the %julia and %%julia magics for executing Julia code.
  • Experimental new module juliacall.importer allowing you to write Python modules in Julia.
  • Bug fixes.

0.9.4 (2022-07-26)

  • Bug fixes.

0.9.3 (2022-07-02)

  • Bug fixes.

0.9.2 (2022-07-02)

  • Many Julia CLI options (such sysimage or number of threads) can be set from JuliaCall.
  • Bug fixes.

0.9.1 (2022-06-18)

  • PyArray can be constructed using the __array_struct__ part of the Numpy array interface. Constructing PyArray(x) is now about 50x faster, or 175x faster if you fully specify the type.
  • JuliaCall can now be imported on Apple M1.

0.9.0 (2022-05-27)

  • Breaking. Removes getpy: you may now overload Py directly, which now need not always return a new object (e.g. for singletons or wrappers).
  • Breaking. Conversion rules no longer take a new object every time.
  • Breaking. Improved Tables-interface support for PyPandasDataFrame: better inferred column types; better handling of non-string column names; columns are usually wrappers (PyArray or PyList). Constructor arguments have changed. Dict methods have been removed (basically only the Tables interface is supported).
  • Breaking. A Py which is convertible to PyTable is no longer considered to be a table itself; you must convert explicitly.
  • Adds pyhasitem and 3-arg pygetitem.
  • Extends Base.get, Base.get!, Base.haskey and 2-arg Base.hash for Py.
  • PyArray can now have any element type when the underlying array is of Python objects.
  • Adds ArrayValue.to_numpy().
  • Bug fixes.

v0.8.0 (2022-03-17)

  • Breaking: Removes pymethod and pyclass. In the future, pyclass may become sugar for types.new_class (namely you can specify a metaclass).
  • Adds pyfunc, pyclassmethod, pystaticmethod and pyproperty.
  • pyconvert_add_rule is now documented. Its semantics have changed, including the separator of the first argument from / to :.
  • A pandas <NA> value is now converted to missing.
  • A NaN in a PyPandasDataFrame is converted to missing.
  • Breaking: Removes using and As from JuliaCall.
  • Adds convert to JuliaCall (replacing As).
  • Bug fixes.

v0.6.1 (2022-02-21)

  • Conversions from simple ctypes types, e.g. ctypes.c_float to Cfloat.
  • Conversions from simple numpy types, e.g. numpy.float32 to Float32.
  • Bug fixes.

v0.6.0 (2022-02-17)

  • Breaking: JuliaCall now uses JuliaPkg to manage Julia dependencies.
  • Bug fixes.

v0.5.1 (2022-01-24)

  • Bug fixes.

v0.5.0 (2021-12-11)

  • Breaking: PythonCall now uses CondaPkg to manage Python dependencies.
  • Python objects can be shared with PyCall provided it uses the same interpreter, using methods PythonCall.Py(::PyCall.PyObject) and PyCall.PyObject(::PythonCall.Py).
  • Adds PythonDisplay which displays objects by printing to Python's sys.stdout. Used automatically in IPython in addition to IPythonDisplay.
  • Removes the GLOBAL mode from @pyexec. Use global in the code instead.
  • Bug fixes.